Care Plus World in India's capital New Delhi bills itself as the place to go for "children of parents who are too busy to put them to bed," according to Britain's Times newspaper (which operates behind a paywall).
"At 'Care Plus World' we recognize, in this busy world, that not everyone has the luxury of being at home with their children, therefore we strive to give children a 'home from home' environment in their most important early years," the nursery says on its website.
Parents are "invited to leave their children with us for a considerable period of leave from one week to one year in case of any emergency such as hospitalization, business trips etc."
'We don't want it to be a chore'Capitalizing on the demand a booming economy has on the blossoming professional class, Care Plus World offers surveillance cameras monitoring each room and text-message alerts for parents, alongside with dance and music classes.
Daycare on demand: round the clock childcare service on the rise
Yogesh and Charu Gupta, who the Times described as the embodiment of a successful middle-class couple, said they happily leave their 13-month-old daughter, Yatie, at the nursery overnight.
But this ultimate outsourcing service in the outsourcing capital of the world does cause unease among some of the clientele.
Priyanka Tyagi, a 31-year-old teacher, turns to the nursery when her husband has to entertain clients and she needs to go to work the next day, according the newspaper.
"Of course I don't always feel great about it but I know he'll be safe," she says of Anany, aged two, the Times reported.