Sexy Women's
If you've seen my series on sexy older men, you know that 40 isn't the end of the line in terms of sex appeal. In fact, some men and women are actually getting sexier with age. Women have a tendency to think they're no longer beautiful once the laugh-lines start to show, but that simply isn't true -- and here's the proof.
Kim Basinger
I was a bit surprised to see that Kim Basinger is over 50. When I hear her name, I instantly think of 9 1/2 Weeks. Has there ever been a woman with that kind of sex appeal? Not even Angelina Jolie compares with Basinger's earlier films. There was a time when every American male went quiet when she came onscreen. And the woman is still beautiful!Madonna
I have never been a huge fan of Madonna's, but you have to give her credit; she wanted to rule the world, and she made it happen. She's taken phenomenal care of her body and it shows. She's still very beautiful and I'm pretty sure the current teenage generation has her pics on the bedroom wall, despite her being old enough to be their gran. Speaking of; To all the granny-hand haters out there: Give the woman a break. You should be so lucky as to look like this woman when you're her age!
Kim Cattrall
I confess; I've never been a big Sex & The City watcher. But, when I have watched it, Samantha's always been the one I admired most. This woman oozes sex appeal. And I fully believe men 1/3 her age would be more than happy to have her take them home for a night or three.
And, dear God, have you seen the body on this woman? If she's not been in Playboy, they need to sign her up immediately. Women half her age have difficulty getting into the kind of shape she's in -- I don't know what her secret is, but it's working.
And, dear God, have you seen the body on this woman? If she's not been in Playboy, they need to sign her up immediately. Women half her age have difficulty getting into the kind of shape she's in -- I don't know what her secret is, but it's working.
Michelle Pfeiffer
Michelle Pfeiffer has always been incredibly beautiful and is very sexy indeed at 51 (which she is at the time I'm writing this.) Just look at her in this photo of the premiere of Hairspray. She looks stunning! She looked fantastic in Stardust as well and I think most men still find her gorgeous. She looks natural and appears to be aging quite well.
If you want to see her in her prime, check out Scarface -- she was the epitome of elegance in that film. I can still picture that sleek bob, and that incredible floor-length dress. Not easy to pull off, I'd imagine, but she did it. And she's every bit as classy looking today. Love her!
If you want to see her in her prime, check out Scarface -- she was the epitome of elegance in that film. I can still picture that sleek bob, and that incredible floor-length dress. Not easy to pull off, I'd imagine, but she did it. And she's every bit as classy looking today. Love her!
Kirstie Alley
I loved Kirstie Alley when she was on Cheers. I think I liked her better than Diane, even. I mean, really, who didn't love her little thing with Sam Malone? I liked her in Veronica's Closet, too. But I was absolutely stunned when I was surfing the net and found an early episode of her in Fat Actress. I was completely and utterly shocked.But none of that compared to how surprised I was when I saw how much weight she lost, and how fabulous she looks now. Her body looks really amazing now. And so does everything else. The woman has made a serious comeback and she looks fab!