
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

TLC Diet




Resembles these U.S. News-rated diets:

The aim:

Cutting high cholesterol.

The claim:

You’ll lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol by 8 to 10 percent in six weeks.

The theory:

Created by the National Institutes of Health’s National Cholesterol Education Program, the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLC) is endorsed by the American Heart Association as a heart-healthy regimen that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The key is cutting back sharply on fat, particularly saturated fat. Saturated fat (think fatty meat, whole-milk dairy, and fried foods) bumps up bad cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. That, along with strictly limiting daily dietary cholesterol intake and getting more fiber, can help people manage high cholesterol, often without medication.

How does the TLC Diet work?

Start by choosing your target calorie level. If your only concern is lowering LDL, the goal is 2,500 per day for men and 1,800 for women. Need to shed pounds, too? Shoot for 1,600 (men) or 1,200 (women). Then cut saturated fat to less than 7 percent of daily calories, which means eating less high-fat dairy, such as butter, and ditching fatty meats like salami. And consume no more than 200 milligrams of dietary cholesterol a day—the amount in about 2 ounces of cheese. If after six weeks your LDL cholesterol hasn’t dropped by about 8 to 10 percent, add in 2 grams of plant stanols or sterols and 10 to 25 grams of soluble fiber each day. (Soluble fiber and plant stanols and sterols help block the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract, which helps lower LDL. Stanols and sterols are found in vegetable oils and certain types of margarine, and are available as supplements, too.) On TLC, you’ll be eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, and skin-off poultry. Exactly how you meet these guidelines is up to you, though sample meal plans are available.

Will you lose weight?

Unclear, since the TLC diet was designed to improve cholesterol levels, not for weight loss. But research suggests that in general, low-fat diets tend to promote weight loss.

Does it have cardiovascular benefits?

Yes. It reflects the medical community’s widely accepted definition of a heart-healthy diet. An eating pattern heavy on fruits, veggies, and whole grains but light on saturated fat and salt is considered the best way to keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check and heart disease at bay.

Can it prevent or control diabetes?

Little research has examined TLC’s effect on diabetes. But the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis study mentioned above found TLC significantly lowered the fasting insulin levels of participants with high cholesterol. That’s important because elevated insulin levels can predict whether someone will develop type 2 diabetes. (The normal-cholesterol group didn’t appreciably change their fasting insulin levels.) In general, most experts consider an eating pattern like what TLC promotes to be the gold standard of diabetes prevention—it emphasizes the right foods and discourages the wrong ones.

Are there health risks?

No indications of serious risks or side effects have surfaced. The TLC diet’s eating pattern is safe for children and teens, too.

How well does it conform to accepted dietary guidelines?

Fat. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise that only 20 to 35 percent of daily calories come from fat. Thanks to its emphasis on fruits, veggies, lean meat, and low-fat dairy, TLC keeps you on target.
Protein. The TLC diet provides about 15 percent of daily calories from protein. That’s within the recommended 10 to 35 percent.
Carbohydrates. It’s within the acceptable range for carb consumption.
Salt. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines call for a daily maximum of 2,300 milligrams of sodium, or 1,500 milligrams for those 51 and older or African-Americans, and those with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. The TLC diet will keep you at or below 2,300 mg. daily.
Other key nutrients. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines call these “nutrients of concern” because many Americans get too little of one or more of them:
  • Fiber. Getting your recommended amount—between 22 grams and 34 grams for adults—helps you feel full and promotes good digestion. Veggies, fruits, beans, and whole grains are major sources, and they’re encouraged on TLC. Most daily menus provide roughly 40 to 50 grams.
  • Potassium. A sufficient amount of this important nutrient, according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, counters salt’s ability to raise blood pressure, decreases bone loss, and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones. It’s not that easy to get the recommended daily 4,700 mg. from food. (Bananas are high in potassium, yet you’d have to eat 11 a day.) Most Americans take in far too little. How much you get on the TLC diet is entirely up to you, but because you’re almost certainly eating more fruits and veggies than you were before, you’ll likely get more potassium than most.
  • Calcium. This mineral is essential not only to build and maintain bones but to make blood vessels and muscles function properly. Many Americans don’t get enough. Women and anyone older than 50 should try especially hard to meet the government’s recommendation of 1,000 mg. to 1,300 mg. You should be able to succeed with low-fat dairy products and calcium-fortified juices and cereals—or if necessary, a supplement.
  • Vitamin B-12. Adults should shoot for 2.4 micrograms of this nutrient, which is critical to proper cell metabolism. Eating yogurt—–a good source of the vitamin—will help you meet the recommendation.
  • Vitamin D. Adults who don’t get enough sunlight need to meet the government’s 15 microgram recommendation with food or a supplement to lower the risk of bone fractures. Low-fat dairy will help you get the recommended amount, and eating just 3 ounces of sockeye salmon, which packs about 20 micrograms of vitamin D, will satisfy the requirement.
Supplement recommended? Although the TLC diet is nutritionally sound, an NCEP dietitian says a multivitamin is a good insurance policy.

How easy is it to follow?

Depends on your knack for tracking what you eat. It’s up to you, for example, to ensure that no more than 7 percent of your daily calories come from saturated fat, and that you don’t exceed 200 mg. of daily cholesterol from food.


The TLC diet takes work and a certain aptitude for reading nutrition labels. And aside from an 80-page manual available online—called Your Guide To Lowering Your Cholesterol With TLC—there are few resources to help you along.


Nutrition experts emphasize the importance of satiety, the satisfied feeling that you’ve had enough. Hunger shouldn’t be a problem on the TLC diet. You’ll be eating lots of fiber-packed fruits and veggies, which quell hunger.


How much will you miss butter, fast food, and creamy sauce? If you like your food greasy or have a sweet tooth, the TLC diet may not make you salivate. But a little lemon and spices can make a seemingly bland chicken breast delicious. For dessert, nonfat frozen yogurt, low-fat sorbet, and Popsicles are all in-bounds.

How much does it cost?

Other than your grocery bill, which should be no higher than usual, there are no expenses.

Does the diet allow for restrictions and preferences?

Most people can customize the TLC diet to their needs—pick a preference for more information.

What is the role of exercise?

The program calls for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise—such as brisk walking—most or all days of the week. Being physically active lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes, helps keep weight off, and increases your energy level.

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