There is documentation that goes farther back then the Mayan civilization, depicting cave drawings of the aliens. Currently today, governments (besides our own) are releasing several investigations that have been made on the UFO phenomena. Believe it or not, Mexico broadcasts UFO sightings readily.
Why then do we still not believe? Are we so cocky to believe that we are so unique that life in some way can not evolve anywhere else? We have only just began and are still in infancy of the universe. We only in recent years have been able to see past our own Milky Way.
Why then does the thought of another race beyond our solar system still seem to be unreal? Did the ancient people of our world get wrapped up in mast illusions? I believe they embraced our unearthly travelers in order to learn more. Is this just fear? Fear that there may be others out there, that they may be visiting us more and more because we are about to embark on a new era?
There are many predictions out there of the end of days. Well, is it the end of the Earth days or is it just life and beliefs that we know it today? There was a millenium scare, the Earth would never see January 1 or 2 of 2000. No, we are still here, but things have changed. We went to war, the world is in a recession and much, much more. Wasn't it the end? Wasn't it an end of an era? The world today is much different than it was up to the end of the 1990's.
So, then if we are embarking on a new era, what is it to say that there is no alien life? I say look to the skies, and believe we are not alone. I, personally, am not feeling that I am so great as a human that we are that unique.